Available Older Puppies
Rae (Maltipoo) x Quest (Morkie)
Sam is a male Morkiepoo that was born on May 8, 2024. He weighed 11 lb. November 3, 2024.
He is fully vaccinated, neutered, microchipped and he has had a couple of vet checkups. He is also crate trained for sleeping at night. He will use a pee pad but much preferrs to to go out and do his business.
He is an energetic playful boy that is always wanting to have his pets and cuddles.
If you would like to add Sam to your family please contact Dawn
Licorice (Yorkiepoo) x Archie (Maltese)
I have one black and white female that is available. She was born on July 23, 2024.
She has had all her puppy shots, a vet checkup, and she has also been microchipped. She does use a pee pad as well as a doggy door to go outside.
She should mature in the 7 - 9 lb range. She is an outgoing and playful pup.
If you would like to add this little girl to your family please contact Dawn
Zylphia (Morkie) x Digger (Poodle)
I have three black males and one black and tan female that are available from this litter. They were born on August 14, 2024.
They are active playful pups. The males should mature in the 10 -12 lb range . The female should mature in the 9 - 11 lb range.
If you would like to add one of these pups to your family please contact Dawn
Brooklyn(Maltipoo) x Tripper (Poodle)
These pups were born on September 5, 2024. There is one chocolate and white male, two black and white males, one chocolate and white female and one black female that are available. These pups should mature in the 8 -10 lb. range.
They have had all their puppy shots, microchipped and they have had a vet checkup. They will use a pee pad and are working on going outside to go potty.
They are active energetic pups that love to run around but they don't mind a cuddle either.
If you would like to add one of these pups your family please contact Dawn