Available Morkie Puppies
Daisy (Yorkshire Terrier) x Banjo (Maltese)
There are four Morkie pups in this litter. There are two females and two males. They were born on September 27, 2024. They are ready for their forever homes.
These are active playful pups. They should mature in the 10 - 12 lb. range.
If you would like to add one of these pups to your family please contact Dawn
Millie (Morkie) x Willy (Yorkshire Terrier)
There are three Morkie pups in this litter. There are two males and one female in the litter.
They were born on October 9, 2024 and he is ready for his forever home.
He is a playful energetic boy that should mature in the 10 - 12 lb. range.
If you would like to add him to your family please get in touch with Dawn
Violet (Morkie) x Baxter (Yorkshire Terrier)
There are three little Morkies in this litter. They were born on October 30, 2024. They will be ready for their forever homes after January 15, 2024. There is one male and one female available in the litter.
If you would like to add one of these pups to your family please contact Dawn
Brianna (Morkie) x Archie (Maltese)
There are six Morkie pups in this litter. There are three females and three males in the litter. They will be ready for their forever homes after January 5, 2024.
If you would like to add one of these pups to your family please contact Dawn